Sunday, 21 August 2011


Proxy changing ur ip address and bypassing firewalls

Proxy is changing ur ip address. Dis chapter is totally related 2 changing ur ip address,changing ip address is very much imp. bcoz by doing it, we get many benefits. [1]   we can download multiple files 4m rapidshare [2]   by dis we can bypass a firewall [3]   der r many sites vch allows only one account on 1 ip address,on dose sites we                can make multiple  ids by dis. [4]   4 being safe while doing cyber hackes,it is very much essential 2 do proxy. [5]   after of doing proxy,we can fool other person very easily.

let's start 

wenever u send some data 2 any web server then dt server watch ur ip adress,in proxy ,first we connect 2 any proxy server,nd now we do surfing,now supose dt u r sending some data 2 any server ,nw bcoz u hv done proxy ,ur data vl be sent via dt proxy server nd dt server where u r sending d data,dt server ud nt be able nw 2 trace u bcoz now dt server can watch dt proxy server ip.
lemme tel u something about working of proxy.
after of doing proxy we found 1 thing dt our internet speed has gone very slow.itgoes 2 70%
nw a small real hacking story.
b4 of some months a 16 year old boy in u.s.a. did dos attack on nasa website.on dt moment nasa had sent his robote 2 mangal[MARS] planet,d moment on vch he did dos attack on dt moment d robot of nasa ws steping on mangal planet,after dos attack dt robot just stopped nd just went 2 hang.robot stopped working.
nw all de nasa scientists started looking at each other face like a stupid,de were nt getting vat is dis going on?
nw de sTarted 2 search who has done it?nd after of 14 day they got d location of d boy nd went 2 his home nd caught.
nw d question rises up,y i hv written dis story here.?
actualy d boy has chnaged his ip address 4 times. i mean first he chaNged his ip address,then he did another proxy over of d first proxy then d 3rd then 4th the 5th,he did nt chANge his mac address.
all i want 2 tell u ,if u hv done proxy then the webmaster cann't trace u vdout going 2 d proxy server 2 vch u hv connected nd if u hv done proxy flooding 4 10times then be 100% assured no1is coming 2 catch u b4 of 1 month.if u hv done proxy 4 10 times then 4 tracing d fbi vl first go 2 d 10th proxy server 2 vch u hv connected thenwards 4m der he vl get 2 knw ur 9th server then wards they vl go 2 d 9th server then 2 8th nd thus continue.nd finaly in coming 2 u they vl take 1

nw a small real hacking story.
b4 of some months a 16 year old boy in u.s.a. did dos attack on nasa website.on dt moment nasa had sent his robote 2 mangal[MARS] planet,d moment on vch he did dos attack on dt moment d robot of nasa ws steping on mangal planet,after dos attack dt robot just stopped nd just went 2 hang.robot stopped working.
nw all de nasa scientists started looking at each other face like a stupid,de were nt getting vat is dis going on?
nw de sTarted 2 search who has done it?nd after of 14 day they got d location of d boy nd went 2 his home nd caught.
nw d question rises up,y i hv written dis story here.?
actualy d boy has chnaged his ip address 4 times. i mean first he chaNged his ip address,then he did another proxy over of d first proxy then d 3rd then 4th the 5th,he did nt chANge his mac address.
all i want 2 tell u ,if u hv done proxy then the webmaster cann't trace u vdout going 2 d proxy server 2 vch u hv connected nd if u hv done proxy flooding 4 10times then be 100% assured no1is coming 2 catch u b4 of 1 month.if u hv done proxy 4 10 times then 4 tracing d fbi vl first go 2 d 10th proxy server 2 vch u hv connected thenwards 4m der he vl get 2 knw ur 9th server then wards they vl go 2 d 9th server then 2 8th nd thus continue.nd finaly in coming 2 u they vl take 1 month.itis nt possible 4 dem 2 trace u4m comuter.they must go personally 2 d proxy server nd all dis takes time.
i think u ppl got d importaince Of doing proxy.
anyway .let' mooov 2 learn hw 2 do proxy.
let's start.

i think u ppl got d importaince Of doing proxy.
anyway .let' mooov 2 learn hw 2 do proxy.

let's start. 

[*] nw many links will come.go on any1 of them.
[*] now on that website u vl find many ip address nd port no.s.
[*] these r d adress of proxy copy any1 of de address.mind it,u hv 2 copy both d things,i     mean port no. as well as ip address.
[*] now open ur internet explorer nd go in
tools>internet option>connection>lan setting
go in lan setting,der u vl see 2 blue is AUTOMATIC CONFIGURATION ND d second one is PROXY SERVER
[*] in proxy server named tab u vl see 4 blocks.2 for ticking nd 2 for giving address.tick both of dem   boxes nd in address put d ip adress u copied nd in port no. put d port no. u copied.never forget 2 tick both d boxes .now click o.k.
[*]  nw open
[*]  in mozilla firefox go here
nd in settings put d ip address nd port no.
dis is d same operation vch is carried out in all type of browser.
[*]  der r many softwares 4 dis purpose.all of dem r shit nd nothing else.
der is anonyomous proxy list verifier named software nd many more ,all of dem do d same work.i don think any1 should use dem.
[*]  u can do d above said work in a more simple way also.
simpally open site.
der in most left side u vl see written "proxy list"
in proxy list der vl be many lists named list 1list 2 list 3 nd many more .simpally go on list 1 nd copy ip nd port no.l 4m der.

der in most left side u vl see written "proxy list"
in proxy list der vl be many lists named list 1list 2 list 3 nd many more .simpally go on list 1 nd copy ip nd port no.l 4m der.
see,doing proxy makes u more safe while doing illlegal stuffs but d problem is how 2 do proxy flooding.
proxy flooding means connectiong 2 a proxy server then again connection 2 any other proxy server then again 2 ay other server.
if u vl do proxy flooding then u vl be very much safe /
i m telling u some software's name here 4m vchg u can do proxy flooding very easily but mind it i m nt going 2 give u all de software.some of dem i vl give u nd some of dem u hv 2 search on ur own bt d one vch i vl giv u ,vl be enough 2 do proxy flooding ..anyway.
name of tools 4 doing proxy floding-->
Socks Chain,happy browser tool,multiproxy,tor
these are d tools 4 doing proxy flooding,wen u r doing something highly illegal then first of all use any1 of dese softwares nd nw do vatever u vanna do .now u r very much safe/
tool "multiproxy"is a very very very good tool.itensures u police vl nt come 2 u b4 of 1 month nd tor is also very very good./
get tor 4m here.

get tor 4m
use a software named "brozar".it does nt leave any log wen u do illegal stuffs .a very god software 2 make u safe ,searching it is ur duty.
use a software named "torpark browser"it also do d same work of brozar.if u r using it then it makes u sure dt der is no log u r leaving on d internet.this is a perfect tool 2 make u very very much it 4m
4get all d other tools name.i hv given here links also ..simpally download nd be safe ...
on rapidshare u can't download more than 1 file on 1 time bt vd doing proxy u can download multiple files.
all d sites vch does nt offer u 2 make more than 1 account on ur computer vl allow u 2 make many1 after doing proxy,in colleges where orkut or other sites r blocked ,u can open all d restricted sites vd doing proxy .
well, if u r trying 2 bypass d firewalll of ur coolege nd u r using proxy then it makes ur internet speed very much slow.indt case use a software named "ultra surf"
u can get ultrasurf very easily on internet .simpally write in gogle"download ultra surf"nd u vl get it.after of downloading it ,alll u hv 2 do is 2 a double click on it,a lock sign vl apear nd now no firewall can stop u by doing

u can get ultrasurf very easily on internet .simpally write in gogle"download ultra surf"nd u vl get it.after of downloading it ,alll u hv 2 do is 2 a double click on it,a lock sign vl apear nd now no firewall can stop u by doing browsing.inmany colleges they motherfucker bind d word proxy even nd der by doing proxy u cann't surf d way bt ultra surf is 100% unstopable4m al d firewalls nd it also gives u a very goodbrosing speed there4 bettter in college use ultra surf.
[1]proxy is done 4 being safe while doing illegal stuffs nd 4 bypassing firewalls.itis a very good option 2 download multiple files 4m rapidshare at any single moment.
[2]get proxy server lists nd apply these address in ur browser 2 surf d web anonymously.
[3]use software "tor" 2 do proxy flooding

[2]get proxy server lists nd apply these address in ur browser 2 surf d web anonymously.
[3]use software "tor" 2 do proxy flooding

Learning proxy is very imp. bcoz while doing cyber hacks it makes u some safe .

see,suppose dt u vant 2 propose a girl nd u r very much scared about her reaction then u simpally say ur any freind 2 tell her dt u like her,this is proxy,actually this is nt proxy bt it giveS a solid idea of proxy.

NW i think u hv got d idea of proxy,if still nt got then write in help desk,i vl clear u more.

[*] first of al write in google"list of proxy address" or u may search 4 "free proxy server"
nd u vl see dt ur ip address has been chANged.

come 2 d point vch u did nt get in my previous proxy named thread.
now some extra outstanding good stuffs lolz.
i know i hv told here name of many tools but all u need 2 download onlu tor nd torpark browser.

doing proxy helps u in many ways.

those are some of proxy sites tht will provide u with access to blocked websites

summary of d chapter.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011